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View Full Version : Derpniel's questions.

07-10-2012, 05:53 PM
Hey guys, I'm very new to this website. I have watched many videos about this multi-player, and nothing this year has got me more excited than this. I do have some very simple (loldumbass) questions. I tried looking them up, but no results.

Do both parties have to look off of the hosts screen?
Do both parties share the same Exp, or can they individually level up?
For Fallout New Vegas, can one party go NCR and the other party go Legion?
Do both parties have to be in the same room/building, or can they roam as they please?
Does both parties have an individual Karma?

6. (FL:NV) If someone is playing cards or roulette, does the other party have to just wait and watch?
7. What is the system requirements for such mod?

Thank you all in advance, especially the designers and the scripters. From what I've seen, this mod is very exciting. Also, is there anyway I can help? I cannot script/have a capable computer to do such things. But, I would love to help. Once again, thank you all.

07-10-2012, 06:17 PM
Hi Derpniel welcome to the forum.

Most of your questions are not know or not impotent for this stage yet so there is not really a answer for it yet.
Please note: the mod is in early alpha stage. You need a decent level of computer knowledge to install / set it up at the moment. It is not released for production, just for testing by experienced users.
Playability things are not on the list yet to be created or think about.

1. No? It's multiplayer i do not understand the question.
2. individually level up
3. Yes
4. It's multiplayer everyone is free this is not a coop mod that you have to play on the same screen
5. yes
6. Playability things are not on the list yet to be created or think about.
7. The games requirements itself but i recommend more memory.

07-10-2012, 07:16 PM
Thank you so much! I've learned not to ask the idiots on youtube. Also, your newest video is what attracted me to this the most. Thank you for the reply. Also, when I said "Do both parties have to look off of the hosts screen?" It meant that the screen the host sees, does everybody else see that, or do people see their character.

07-10-2012, 07:31 PM
Thank you so much! I've learned not to ask the idiots on youtube. Also, your newest video is what attracted me to this the most. Thank you for the reply. Also, when I said "Do both parties have to look off of the hosts screen?" It meant that the screen the host sees, does everybody else see that, or do people see their character.

It's multiplayer everyone got its own character and screen you said you have seen my video is not answer enough?

I life in the netherlands and i have played with Recycler and he lifes in germany.