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View Full Version : [Bug] CallPublic

07-20-2013, 09:42 PM
Hi, when I want to call the public, I get an error: Public with name _test does not exist


CallPublic ( cmdname, ID, " " ) ; //cmdname = "_test"

//separate public
forward _test( playerid, params { } ) ;
public _test( playerid, params { } ) { return print ( "Test Command" ) ;}

debug log: https://pastebin.com/078tjL6u

07-20-2013, 09:48 PM
You can only call functions which have been made public with MakePublic (<- click the link). This should work:

MakePublic("_test", "_test", "is");
CallPublic ( cmdname, ID, " " ) ; //cmdname = "_test"

//separate public
forward _test( playerid, params { } ) ;
public _test( playerid, params { } ) { return print ( "Test Command" ) ;}

This is so these functions can be called from C/C++ scripts as well (and vice-versa).