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09-04-2011, 09:26 PM
Liberty Prime



Liberty Prime's original purpose was to aid American troops in the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from its Chinese invaders. Through the computer terminal at the foot of Liberty Prime, it is revealed that the project was commissioned by General Constantine Chase and was a joint effort between the U.S. Army, General Atomics International, and RobCo Industries. However, problems with the power system led to delays, and Anchorage was ultimately liberated in a much longer and more costly battle using their other secret weapon, the more successful and reasonably-scaled T-51b power armor.
Roughly two centuries later, Liberty Prime was finally pressed into service by the Brotherhood of Steel after they discovered it in the basement of the destroyed Pentagon. They modified its targeting system to consider Enclave forces to be Chinese communists.

Liberty Prime requires a massive amount of power to operate, and the Brotherhood was long unable to power him properly even with the advanced technology discovered inside the Pentagon. With the aid of Doctor Li, they eventually manage to solve this problem. Liberty Prime was then employed as the Brotherhood's trump card against the Enclave, marching on Project Purity and effortlessly destroying the Enclave defenders entrenched there. For two weeks afterwards Liberty Prime would continue to be employed by the Brotherhood in battles with the Enclave, but was eventually destroyed by an orbital missile bombardment from a satellite. Liberty Prime's remains were recovered by the Brotherhood, and though it would take months or years to do so, they set about rebuilding and upgrading him.

Liberty Prime fires twin head-mounted energy beams, similar to a Tesla cannon, and can kill Enclave soldiers in a single hit. His backpack holds a seemingly inexhaustible supply of explosives that he hurls at enemies with unerring accuracy. These explosives detonate on contact with potency similar a mini nuke but several times larger. His massive size and strength count as weapons too: he is endowed with strength befitting a forty foot tall robot, and can rip anything in his path to shreds, if he doesn't step on it first. He can sustain massive amounts of damage and short out energy barrier fields by forcefully walking into them. Finally, to inspire his allies and demoralize foes, he constantly spouts anti-communist phrases and declares that American democracy cannot be defeated. Like most of the robots in the game, he seems unaware that any time has passed between 2077 and the present, or more accurately, that any cataclysmic or important events have transpired to cause the world around them to function any differently.

Sentry bot



This section is transcluded from Sentry bot. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Sentry bots (military serial numbers SB-XXXX) are security robots made before the Great War with the express purpose of participating in the heaviest of firefights during war. Where the Mister Gutsy is a hovering platform with modest armor plating and the protectron a push over, the sentry bot is a powerhouse, equipped with a sturdy armour plating, powerful weapons integrated into its chassis, and benefits from high mobility thanks to wheels mounted on its three legs.

Mister Handy



The Mister Handy series of robots, named so because of the robot's large number of hands,[1] was first brought to market in 2037 as a general construction and maintenance unit by General Atomics International, with some assistance from RobCo. Primarily used in the United States and Mexico (where it was the leader in sales after the Mexico City 'quake of 2042), the Mister Handy was a reliable robot. An early bug that caused interference in the operation of the multiple arms was fixed with a hardware update in 2039, with no major problems since then. A key selling feature is the nuclear power unit (a model 238B, licensed from Calpower) and self-maintenance modes. Multiple Mister Handys are capable of keeping themselves in working condition and are also fully programmed to perform nuclear fuel replacements. Secondary programming handles radiation cleansing after refueling.

They are capable of quite eloquent speech. They generally have an affected English accent (while Mr. Gutsies speak in an American drill sergeant voice) and speak politely most times, although they sometimes mutter potential insults under their breath. Most of them have very cheerful personalities. Some Mister Handy models that have been programmed as personal butlers and are programmed to tell amusing jokes on command, though their "humor emitter array" needs to recharge between uses. They are also able to extract air humidity by using their integrated liquid condensators and cooling surrounding air below its dew-point, allow it to generate 5 bottles of purified water without charge during a three-day period.

There are at least two different type in the Mister Handy line: Type-I and Type-II, as well as the military line called Mister Gutsy and the private medical line called Mister Orderly.

Sometime before the Great War, General Atomics International and RobCo wanted to upgrade their Mister Handy line with add an additional hand[2] and some other systems. But probably due to the outbreak of the War, The Type-II was sent and tested only in the Core Region, in military place like the Mariposa Military Base. Also, the Type-I is sometimes used as non-military security robots, for large company like REPCONN, and have a clear green color.

Automated turret



Automated turrets are automatic, unmanned machine guns which are capable of sensing and attacking targets that are hostile to the faction or organization to which they belong.
They are employed by both military organizations like the Enclave or the Brotherhood of Steel, and civilian operations such as the Museum of History, though in the latter case their former operators have been long since dead. In one case, a raider group near the Arlington Library has reprogrammed turrets to protect a camp and a chem lab.

Engineer: The Automated turret will be object that can be placed by a engineer.

Sand bags



Sand bags are made to hide behind in a fire fight.

Engineer: The sandbag will be object that can be placed by a engineer.

09-07-2011, 12:08 AM
Sick, But how do you plan on allowing players to recognize Factions or just them in general, Same for sentrys robots and Prime is just a deadly fucking disaster shooting mini-nukes and kicking ass

09-07-2011, 02:31 AM
Good stuff! hmm... so what exactly is this for exactly though? Is this a expected mod or something for engineers to build? Makes me kina tempted to be a Engineer... Minus the liberty prime. Over powered and would be overkill. Would make everything waaay to easy for us xD

09-07-2011, 05:11 AM
Good stuff! hmm... so what exactly is this for exactly though? Is this a expected mod or something for engineers to build? Makes me kina tempted to be a Engineer... Minus the liberty prime. Over powered and would be overkill. Would make everything waaay to easy for us xD

No its not like that its going to be on a server (I think?) and, I guess Engineers don't Build These? They just set them down in war.

09-07-2011, 06:48 AM
well even that isent that bad I'd suppose. Though I'd hope that engineer will have alot more uses then just setting up turrets.

09-07-2011, 01:04 PM
Engineers don't build, scribes do, but engineers can place them on the battlefield, and control them, fix them(I think), and make a fortress.

09-07-2011, 02:35 PM
Fortress is fun :o.... dang, Now I'm tempted again... though Engineers don't get the same fun as Knights.... man I Feel conflicted... :<

09-07-2011, 05:01 PM
yeah, robots are easier to kill than humans, I agree, but if you could be able to repair them and hide behind it, it would be cool.

09-07-2011, 06:33 PM
Dantiko is right.

09-08-2011, 01:08 AM
A fortress? what do you mean by fortress, Like an actual castle Or Some sort of building to hide behind

09-08-2011, 10:52 AM
Well fortress would be... eh, a overstatment. I expect something more like what the RTS mod did. Building walls and the like for defence. Like a forward base incase we're going to be attacking ;D

09-08-2011, 05:02 PM
I meant a fortress on the meaning of an unpenetrable place, outpost seems to fit better, lots of sandbags, robots, and technically no enemy would be able to cross it to the other side.

09-08-2011, 11:03 PM
You could set up Bos Borders Like that, So The only way to get through is to be on the good side of the BoS, Keeping all threats out of major citys

09-08-2011, 11:06 PM
And remember, BoS don't impose taxes, that's NCR's job :D

09-08-2011, 11:13 PM
Haha, Wow thats fucking hilarious, But yea im serious if we were to be doing a fraction based server where all fractions fight eachother Bos could set up a killer border

09-10-2011, 01:07 AM
Fraction power! heheheeh

09-25-2011, 09:15 PM
Hell Yea!

09-26-2011, 05:17 PM
Kill the commies!!!(according to our super robot).

09-29-2011, 05:08 AM
Fuck i can imagine The enclave getting there asses kicked because they cant handle the awesomeness of liberty Prime, Because the enclave are assholes. *Secretly I am going to be Building a secret bunker So i can steal everyones caps then run to vegas and hide :D"

09-29-2011, 04:48 PM
Try that and you will be commiting treason.

10-03-2011, 07:05 AM
Thats why i would bribe my way out ;D Bribeing works for anyone, Like really what are you ganna do turn down a bribe? Doubt it Money is money

10-03-2011, 01:25 PM
Thats why i would bribe my way out ;D Bribeing works for anyone, Like really what are you ganna do turn down a bribe? Doubt it Money is money

I will never take a bribe, yes money is monet but blood money is something else for me.

10-03-2011, 05:10 PM
It Is priceless

10-10-2011, 12:10 PM
Lol Dantiko your fucking hilarious, im serious im laughing my ass off right now, Good one, Blood money ahahaha, but yes everyone does have a price your telling me you wouldnt let someone go for a million dollars in this case "Caps"

10-10-2011, 01:20 PM
Lol Dantiko your fucking hilarious, im serious im laughing my ass off right now, Good one, Blood money ahahaha, but yes everyone does have a price your telling me you wouldnt let someone go for a million dollars in this case "Caps"

I am not Dantiko. :P I thought you workt for the brotherhood. :p

10-10-2011, 04:46 PM
Caps, once in a day, were useless, now they are worthy(In Game), and if the new money one day is chocolate?Fatties would have millions hidden.

10-13-2011, 11:21 PM
Well your pretty much crippling BoS eco wise heavly, So the thing is, Do I let this guy who's trying to get a fast Billion or so (just a refrence) and get bribed a mil so you can get away. If I took the money, I'd be screwing over the team just like you did. So Taking the money as a bribe is really out of the question. The real option is, Do I blast this guy and get the money back to my faction? Or Blast this guy and keep 100% for myself? I'd personally just blast and return. But thats just me xD

10-14-2011, 05:43 PM
Blast the guy and get his stuff in the name of the BoS.