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View Full Version : Why I deserve moderator!

10-05-2011, 03:11 AM
I wanted to make this to show why I think I deserve moderator!

1: I have matured up since the last visit here
2: Ive gotten to know people
3: Im LIKED by a few people
4: I think I would make a great moderator because I know how to control and stop flaming for person to person. I know what kind of posts to delete and which ones to respond to and stuff like that! :)

PS: Although this isnt much, I hope you see how much ive changed.
~ SynHD

10-05-2011, 04:56 AM
I'm fairly sure you've been told this by PMs or otherwise, but just in case: Recycler has said that he doesn't think there need to be any more moderators at the moment, and I agree, there's no need with such a small community. Once the need does arise, we'll figure out how new moderators will be selected, so until then, please stop asking. That being said, I'm locking this topic, we don't need to start a useless debate over this in a thread.

P.S. If you'd like to really show some commitment to the community, hop on the Wiki and discuss/help with the rules formation. Currently not one other person has said anything (publicly) about the rule set they'll have to post by.