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View Full Version : Warning system and Rules (Suggestion)

10-08-2011, 06:28 PM
I think a warning bar should be added, under the avatar, with a 0/100 limit, here are the rules:

1 - Nicknames and profiles(including avatars and signatures)

1.1 - It isn't allowed any nickname that contains profanity or offensive words.
1.2 - Also don't use profanity or offensive words on profiles and signatures.
1.3 - Avatar and Signature images oughtn't to contain pornography images.

2 - General Content

2.1 - Any content not created by you ought to have the source cited, giving the credits to the author.
2.2 - No advertisement of any product, website or forum(Except Quotes).
2.3 - Don't offend or discriminate other members.

3 - Topics and Posts

3.1 - Avoid creating topics about matters that have already been discussed in the forum.
3.2 - Try to stay on topic, without major deviations(No Flood).
3.3 - Make the title of the topics clearly and objectively.
3.5 - AlSo DoN't WrItE wItH cApPeD lEtTeRs In ThE mIdDlE oF wOrDs.
3.6 - Use bold colors and sizes moderately, legibly.

4 - About the Rules

4.1 - It is up to the Forum Staff to decide the punishments that will be applied if the member doesn't follow these rules.
4.2 - The rules can be modified anytime.

Punishments and Warnings

- Username offensive or profanity: 10% + warn, change nickname

- Use of offensive words or profanity in the profile or signature: 5% + warn, edit signature / profile

- Pornography in the signature or avatar: 10% + warn, edit signature / profile

- Flaming / disrespect another forum member: 20% warn

- Flood / spam / double post: 10% + warn, join the posts in 1 post

- Topic set up in the wrong place: 5% + warn, topic moved to correct area

- Signature too large: 5% + warn, edit the signature

- Promote or incite prejudice, racism or depreciation: 20% warn

- Topic copied without proper credit of authorship (if proven authored by another member): 15% + warn, topic deleted

When Warning Bar Reaches 100% the User is BANNED FOREVER

10-08-2011, 06:36 PM
You mean a hate and flame bar, i don't like the idea that people with more limits will be handeld less so in the racist way.

But a good topic you made friend nobody reads the wiki. :P

10-08-2011, 06:38 PM
-The Warns are alerts sent by the moderator / admin to the user who has violated any forum rule.

-Only one person (mod / adm) may warn (send warn) each violation, to prevent the offender to receive more alerts than they deserve.

A public-topic will be kept in the News and Informations for all members to follow the work of moderation towards Warns keeping dates and name of the moderator that sent the warn, in order to maintain transparency and fairness in punishments.

-Each warn shall follow the pattern posted on the list on the Rules topic, and any conduct liable to alert (warn) that is not listed in the rules of the forum and / or in the list, it is up to set the value of moderation warn the offender deserved.

-The moderator who warn the offender will also have the obligation to update the post with fixed Warns of the date and reason for the warn applied.

-If a member is to realize that there is wrong values ??in his bar or an warn received is unfair, it shall notify the moderation of the forum topically (do not send PM to the moderators!) on the Complaints topic, in the Suggestions area.

10-08-2011, 08:39 PM
Apparently no one checks the News section or reads their email on here >.> Discussion and writing of the rules has been setup on the Wiki (here (https://wiki.vaultmp.com/index.php/User:Farlo/Forum_Rules)) so that anyone can contribute and edit them. I'll be adding a few of the rules you had here to the Wiki set. You should take a look at it and help contribute there since those are going to be used as the official rules once we have them ironed out.

The bar system might be a bit complex to implement, but I like the idea. I'll see what Recycler thinks.

Edit: Also, I merged this thread with the "What are Warnings?" thread you made. No need to have multiple threads for one suggestion.