05-03-2012, 11:18 PM
Maybe you know about the math formula I'm looking for to work on some sync issues. The main problem is the following:
Actual state (information) of position, animation etc. is perfectly synced. However, there is a game lag when applying animation groups on a player, which often leads to situations as illustrated below:
(this is the simplest case, there are more problematic ones)
I'm looking for the correct math required to find the mentioned "angle fix", based on the following:
in-game position (X, Y, Z, angles)
destination position (X, Y, Z)
last running animation (and the direction of it)
a Z-angle delta to apply on the current Z-angle, which when running animation is kept, will make the player reach the destination.
Help appreciated. It's some trickery with vectors.
Actual state (information) of position, animation etc. is perfectly synced. However, there is a game lag when applying animation groups on a player, which often leads to situations as illustrated below:
(this is the simplest case, there are more problematic ones)
I'm looking for the correct math required to find the mentioned "angle fix", based on the following:
in-game position (X, Y, Z, angles)
destination position (X, Y, Z)
last running animation (and the direction of it)
a Z-angle delta to apply on the current Z-angle, which when running animation is kept, will make the player reach the destination.
Help appreciated. It's some trickery with vectors.