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Thread: When will Beta come out?

  1. #11
    Fallout New Vegas Steam version works with vaultmp, the (cracked) german steam version of Fallout 3 also does

  2. #12
    Okay, so i just ordered Fallout 3 for PC (had it for xbox) and when i get it on friday i will prob see if i could get some help setting it up from you Fox. Also, can we do Lan servers? Cause i might have my friend over sometime to play it with me on a Lan if it works.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Blog Entries
    You can host LAN servers.

  4. #14
    Alright awesome, when i get it friday ill try to set it up if i have problems doing so, ill contact you Fox. Thanks!

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