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  1. Hamachi and normal servers?

    Please post all your server details so I can play with you and if you want mine ask!
  2. Moving into a new flat

    Currently moving into a new flat, does take some days until things have settled. Sorry for not being active on the developer / forum part
  3. im new!

    i honestly joined this cuz im interested to see how u guys do this and really to play fallout with other people
    if any1 could give me some advice and tips on what u guys are doing and when and where it will be finished that would be great
    Tags: newguy Add / Edit Tags
  4. My semi-professional sketch of Container networking code principle

    Oh, yeah. A new pure virtual function! This one will be useful for startup syncing of game objects, too Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sketch.jpg 
Views:	962 
Size:	18.5 KB 
ID:	70
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