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Development blog

Status updates and news on vaultmp development

  1. Moving into a new flat

    Currently moving into a new flat, does take some days until things have settled. Sorry for not being active on the developer / forum part
  2. My semi-professional sketch of Container networking code principle

    Oh, yeah. A new pure virtual function! This one will be useful for startup syncing of game objects, too Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sketch.jpg 
Views:	962 
Size:	18.5 KB 
ID:	70
  3. Progress on vaultmp


    holidays are over again And now I'm back into university and my jobs. During the last 2 weeks, I've made significant progress on important parts of vaultmp, though: I'm happy to announce that I plan to release a heavily improved version of the mod by the end of February (that is, when I passed my exams and have some more time to perform the last touches on the version).

    Sorry if you expected a new version by now, but I want to make sure that I have enough time ...
  4. Started cleaning up and converting the Interface

    Just to let you know, today I started converting the asynchronous Interface to use direct calls instead. Nothing special Holidays begin on Friday, I'll post updates from time to time in this nice blog thingy here from now

    Updated 12-19-2011 at 06:49 PM by foxtacles
