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Thread: OnPlayerCommandText() Callback

  1. #1

    OnPlayerCommandText() Callback

    This callback is very important for the scripting engine.
    I noticed how you did the example with the forward slash detection but, what if the client chatbox and other modules be modified through the use of client-side commands.
    It would interfere, and ease the modification of the module settings.
    The client could parse the commands and then detect whether if the command is client-side if not, send it through the callback.

    I just come here to view whether there has been any progress or not, and review the wonderful progress that Recycler and the development team has made.
    My sincere thanks goes to them and to others who value my contributions the community, not to mention the ones that solely contribute.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleksander View Post
    This callback is very important for the scripting engine.
    I noticed how you did the example with the forward slash detection but, what if the client chatbox and other modules be modified through the use of client-side commands.
    It would interfere, and ease the modification of the module settings.
    The client could parse the commands and then detect whether if the command is client-side if not, send it through the callback.
    It should work that the client parses the command, if it doesn't need to handle it, it sends it to the server.

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