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Thread: Problem with vaultmp

  1. #1

    Problem with vaultmp

    Hi, well I wanted to know if there is some sort of "guide" to mount a server fallout 3 to play with friends and that, because the truth is that I download the vaultmp and the pit, but also the still xlive disabler I can not play, first try with my outdated version of fallout, which is what brings no updates, disable the disabler xlive then try to open the server but would not let me, said the fallout I had was wrong or something, then I opened the grave and said I needed an update and had to go to, after that reinstall the old fallout erasing all of the above, then 1.7 to install the update is showing in bethsoft and then turn off xlive and then try to mount the server once again being that I could not do, if someone could help me with problems or could tell me what are the steps in detail, I really appreciate it, thanks beforehand.

    I feel like typing errors or any errors that may have, I speak Spanish: (

  2. #2

    Re: Problem with vaultmp

    I have no idea what you just said, I do not speak Spanish, so sorry I cannot help you.

    I just come here to view whether there has been any progress or not, and review the wonderful progress that Recycler and the development team has made.
    My sincere thanks goes to them and to others who value my contributions the community, not to mention the ones that solely contribute.

  3. #3

    Re: Problem with vaultmp

    check out the wiki

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dantiko's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    S�o Carlos, Brazil

    Re: Problem with vaultmp

    I speak some spanish(Im Brazilian), PM me with the text on your language.
    "Only a few don't give up on games, and only a few give up on life"

  5. #5

    Re: Problem with vaultmp

    Yo hablo espa�ol. Dime aqui que problemas tienes.

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