The game, Fallen Earth, from Gamersfirst, went free to play about 5 days ago, the first comment on a games website I saw was: Welcome to Fallout Online
The game, Fallen Earth, from Gamersfirst, went free to play about 5 days ago, the first comment on a games website I saw was: Welcome to Fallout Online
"Only a few don't give up on games, and only a few give up on life"
I completely forgot about this game I tried it back in Beta and it was alright. It did have potential then, so I'll be giving it another shot.
nice! i will give this a try when i get a new pc
Actually the minimun requirements are wrong I guess, my pc ran this on max with 100 MHz less than the required in the minimun requirements, and the download rate from "Gaymensfirst'' Live is very high, oh, and the gamersfirst site haven't been updated yet, it says you can only play until level 10, but you can play to the max level, don't worry.
"Only a few don't give up on games, and only a few give up on life"