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Saving items of players

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    This script saves the players inventory. The inventory data will be saved when the player leaves the server, and will be reassigned once a player with the same name joins (which is weak due to player name conflicts, etc.; however, you can easily change this script to use a combination of name / password).
    [h="2"] Code [/h]
    #include "vaultscript.h"
    #include <unordered_map>
    #include <algorithm>

    using namespace vaultmp;
  2. -

    struct _hash_Base { inline size_t operator() (const Base& base) const { return std::hash<std::underlying_type<Base>::type>()(static_cast<std::underlying_type<Base>::type>(base)); }};

    template <typename V>
    using mBaseHash = std::unordered_multimap<Base, V, _hash_Base>;

    struct ItemData {
    UCount count;
    Value condition;
    State equipped;

    std::unordered_map<String, mBaseHash<ItemData>> playerItems;

    Void VAULTSCRIPT OnPlayerDisconnect(ID player, Reason reason) noexcept
    // Get player name (the key for the item store)
    String name = GetName(player);

    // Clear player item store

    // Get all items
    IDVector items = Item::GetList();

    for (const auto& id : items)
    Item item(id);

    // baseID of the item
    Base base = item.GetBase();

    static const Base PipBoy = static_cast<Base>(0x00015038);
    static const Base PipBoyGloves = static_cast<Base>(0x00025B83);

    // If the item belongs to the player, save it. Don't save PipBoy stuff because that's equipped by default
    if (base != PipBoy && base != PipBoyGloves && item.GetItemContainer() == player)
    UCount count = item.GetItemCount();
    Value condition = item.GetItemCondition();
    State equipped = item.GetItemEquipped();

    // Find an existing item for stacking
    auto it = find_if(playerItems[name].begin(), playerItems[name].end(), [&](const std::pair<const Base, ItemData>& itemData) { return itemData.first == base && itemData.second.condition == condition && itemData.second.equipped == False;});

    // Either use the existing item data or create a new entry
    ItemData& data = it != playerItems[name].end() ? it->second : playerItems[name].emplace(base, ItemData())->second;

    // Store the data
    data.count += count;
    data.condition = condition;
    data.equipped = equipped;

    Base VAULTSCRIPT OnPlayerRequestGame(ID player) noexcept
    // Player object
    Player pplayer(player);

    // Get player name (the key for the item store)
    String name = pplayer.GetName();

    for (const auto& item : playerItems[name])
    // Add the item
    pplayer.AddItem(item.first, item.second.count, item.second.condition);

    // Equip the item if it was equipped
    if (item.second.equipped)
    pplayer.EquipItem(item.first, True, False);

    return static_cast<Base>(0x00000000);
    [category]Script examples[/category]