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Saving position of players

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    This script saves the players position. The position data will be saved when the player leaves the server, and will be reassigned once a player with the same name joins (which is weak due to player name conflicts, etc.; however, you can easily change this script to use a combination of name / password).
    [h="2"] Code [/h]
    #include "vaultscript.h"
    #include <unordered_map>
    #include <tuple>

    using namespace vaultmp;

    std::unordered_map<String, std::tuple<Cell, Value, Value, Value>> playerPos;

    Void VAULTSCRIPT OnPlayerDisconnect(ID player, Reason reason) noexcept
  2. -
    // Get player name (the key for the item store)
  3. +
    // Get player name (the key for the position store)
    String name = GetName(player);

    // Clear player position

    // Get the player position
    Value X, Y, Z;
    GetPos(player, X, Y, Z);

    // Get the player cell
    Cell cell = GetCell(player);

    // Save the player position
    playerPos.emplace(name, std::make_tuple(cell, X, Y, Z));

    Void VAULTSCRIPT OnSpawn(ID object) noexcept
    // Player object
    Player player(object);

    if (player)
  5. -
    String name = GetName(object);
  6. +
    String name = player.GetName();

    // If there is position data for that name, set it
    if (playerPos.count(name))
    // Using SetCell so it also works for interiors
  8. -
    SetCell(object, std::get<0>(playerPos[name]), std::get<1>(playerPos[name]), std::get<2>(playerPos[name]), std::get<3>(playerPos[name]));
  9. +
    player.SetCell(std::get<0>(playerPos[name]), std::get<1>(playerPos[name]), std::get<2>(playerPos[name]), std::get<3>(playerPos[name]));
    // Remove the data so it doesn't set the position on any further spawn
    [category]Script examples[/category]