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Download binaries / source

This is an old revision of this page, as edited 04-29-2013, 12:02 AM by foxtacles (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.
Screenshot of the vaultmp client (revision 124)Screenshot of the vaultmp client (revision 124)


Please note: the mod is in early alpha stage. You need a decent level of computer knowledge to install / set it up at the moment. It is not released for production, just for testing by experienced users.

The debug versions output log files and stacktraces. This data is helpful to fix bugs and improve the mod. Please always attach log files to your problem reports (reproduce your problem with the debug version).

Version: vaultmp snapshot "Gary 2.8"
Guide for setup: How to set up the server and connect

Read the client requirements section below before testing!

WindowsLinuxSource code

[top]Client requirements

VaultMP is not compatible with the no-gore (cut) versions of the games released in Germany.

[top]Fallout 3

  • Official patch v1.7

[top]Server requirements

  • Forwarded (opened) ports: 1660 (MasterServer), 1770 (Dedicated Server)