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Download binaries / source

This is an old revision of this page, as edited 04-06-2012, 03:44 PM by foxtacles (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.
Screenshot of the vaultmp client (revision 124)Screenshot of the vaultmp client (revision 124)

VaultMP has not yet been tested with more than 2 players. You can try with as many players as you want, but it might not work at all.


[top]Client requirements

[top]Fallout 3

[top]Fallout: New Vegas

VaultMP is not compatible with the no-gore (cut) versions of the games released in Germany.

[top]Server requirements

  • Forwarded (opened) ports: 1660 (MasterServer), 1770 (Dedicated Server)

[top]Automated Installer

-maintained by Aleksander
Use this program if you don't want to set up everything yourself -