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What vaultmp is - and what it isn't

This is an old revision of this page, as edited 08-01-2012, 12:02 AM by foxtacles (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.
This article is to clear up some confusion about what Vault-Tec Multiplayer Mod really is about.

Mod is actually not the best fitting keyword in my opinion. VaultMP is supposed to be much more like a framework. It aims for extensibility and scalability. The goal is to provide the tools necessary to create engaging online environments in the Fallout games. It does not impose any limits on what you can do with it (i.e. maximum player count), neither does it has any bias towards any kind of multiplayer game.

VaultMP is not a co-op mod, a MMO, or anything else of the like. The community is free (and encouraged) to take vaultmp and develop server-side game modes and compose the actual rules of gameplay. Therefore VaultMP exposes a rich scripting interface, with a C API at its core, as well as native support for C++11 and PAWN scripts.

In short, this means:

VaultMP is not:
  • Co-op, MMO, deathmatch, etc.

VaultMP is:
  • A framework to create any kind of multiplayer game