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How to set up the server and connect

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This short guide will give you the information you need to run a server and connect to it.

[top]Connecting to a server

Copy "vaultmp.exe" and "vaultmp.dll" to your Fallout 3 and / or Fallout: New Vegas folder (where Fallout3.exe / FalloutNV.exe is located). Copy "default.fos" to your Fallout 3 / Fallout: New Vegas savegames folder (Documents/My Games/Fallout3 or FalloutNV/Saves). Run vaultmp.exe. Write the address of the MasterServer to the text input field named "Master" and click the button "Master Query". If everything works correctly, a list of servers should appear in your browser. Now you only have to select one and push "Join Server". Check the value of the key "game" before joining and make sure you run vaultmp.exe from either Fallout 3 / Fallout: New Vegas folder, depending on which game server you want to play on. You need to disable Windows Live (patched xlive.dll) as well as FOSE / NVSE (see Download (binaries / source)). Note: direct connect (without querying a MasterServer) to a Dedicated Server is not possible at the moment.

[top]Set up the dedicated server

If you want others to be able to connect to your dedicated server (from the internet), you have to forward port 1770 (default) in your router configuration and in your firewall (or define an exception). The server ships with a configuration file (vaultserver.ini) which you need to edit in order to setup your server. Here is an explanation of the options:


[top]Set up the MasterServer

If you want others to be able to connect to your dedicated server (from the internet), you have to forward port 1660 (default) in your router configuration and in your firewall (or define an exception). Run "vaultmaster.exe".

If you need further help, ask in the forums and we'll be happy to help.