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This is an old revision of this page, as edited 08-15-2012, 12:25 AM by foxtacles (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.


Code cpp:
enum _CPP(class) Death _CPP(: int8_t)
	None = -1,
	Explosion = 0,
	Gun = 2,
	BluntWeapon = 3,
	HandToHand = 4,
	ObjectImpact = 5,
	Poison = 6,
	Radiation = 7,
Code c:
const Death: {
	None = -1,
	Explosion = 0,
	Gun = 2,
	BluntWeapon = 3,
	HandToHand = 4,
	ObjectImpact = 5,
	Poison = 6,
	Radiation = 7,