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Command processor

This script uses OnPlayerChat and processes chat input given by players if the first character is a forward slash.


Code cpp:
#include "vaultscript.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
using namespace vaultmp;
State VAULTSCRIPT OnPlayerChat(ID player, RawString message) noexcept
	// it's a command if the first character is a /
	if (*message == '/')
		// we can safely tokenize because we won't send the message
		std::vector<String> tokens;
		RawString cmd = std::strtok(message + 1, " ");
		// collecting tokens
		while (cmd)
			cmd = std::strtok(nullptr, " ");
		if (!tokens.empty())
			// Player object
			Player pplayer(player);
			if (!tokens[0].compare("additem"))
				// baseID given?
				if (tokens.size() > 1)
					// get the hexadecimal baseID of the item
					Base item = static_cast<Base>(std::strtoul(tokens[1].c_str(), nullptr, 16));
					// give item to player with notification
					pplayer.AddItem(item, 1, 100.0, False);
			// more commands...
				// send error message
				std::strncpy(message, String("Unrecognized command: " + tokens[0]).c_str(), static_cast<size_t>(Index::MAX_CHAT_LENGTH));
				return True;
		return False;
	return True;
Code c:
public OnPlayerChat(ID, message{})
	new str{MAX_CHAT_LENGTH};
	if(message{0} == '/' && strlen(message)>1)
		new delim = strfind(message," "),
			len = strlen(message);
		if(delim>1) strmid(params,message,delim+1,len);
			return 0;
		strformat(str,sizeof(str),true,"SERVER: The command \"/%s\" does not exist",str);
		return 0;
	return 1;