This site has been archived and made available for preservation purposes. No edits can be made.

  • Welcome (back) to


    It's been almost 15 years since I initially created this project. I have a lot of fond memories of the community and the mod we have created together. Unfortunately, due to the complex and time intensive nature of our endeavour, we have never managed to completely realize our dream of crafting a fully functional multiplayer experience for Fallout 3.

    Most of you will probably have heard of Fallout 76, which is Bethesda's first online video game taking place in the Fallout universe. Although lacking a lot of the customizability we aimed for with vaultmp, it's worth checking out.

    I've decided to make the forums, the wiki/documentation, and various other resources related to vaultmp public again to offer them as reference to anyone who might be interested. All sites consist of read-only, static pages - no edits can be made.

    Thank you to everyone who has ever tested, played, or contributed to vaultmp. You have not been forgotten!

    Most recent video showing off the mod (2013)
    Videos made during development over the course of many years