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Thread: Where can I donate?

  1. #1

    Where can I donate?

    I would love to contribute what I can to help keep this project alive! Do you have a paypal account in which I can donate to? Also, any estimated time on when the next release will come out with the removed bottlenecking?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Blog Entries
    You can. See:

    However I've been thinking of explicitly accepting donations as soon as the next alpha snapshot is out (kind of Pizza & Beverages fund). Currently I'm setting up my laptop again to run Windows 7 and Fallout games to do local tests, so the initial testing phase / revisioning for the snapshot has begun.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Recycler View Post
    You can. See:

    However I've been thinking of explicitly accepting donations as soon as the next alpha snapshot is out (kind of Pizza & Beverages fund). Currently I'm setting up my laptop again to run Windows 7 and Fallout games to do local tests, so the initial testing phase / revisioning for the snapshot has begun.
    Expect a donation coming your way soon. Hopefully it will cover many beverages for those long nights of coding.

    As for the testing phase, I would love to help out as much as possible. I own server boxes that I can leave running 24/7. Really can't wait for the next snapshot!!

    Few things I'm too exited about to wait;

    * Removed bottlenecking
    * Improved syncing
    * Possible fix for invisible characters?
    * Possible pipboy?
    * Possible working vats?
    * Synchronized questing and npc talking?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dantiko's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    São Carlos, Brazil
    There won't be Vats (however there will be another use for AP), the pipboy is already synced (we tested it someday), the quests might disappear, but it will be a mod heaven since it supports C++
    "Only a few don't give up on games, and only a few give up on life"

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