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Thread: Hey,wastelander,Could you please tell me how to use this MOD?

  1. #1

    Unhappy Hey,wastelander,Could you please tell me how to use this MOD?

    I am a fallout player in China
    I use this MOD today,but= =

    How can I set up my server?

    And I check this MOD in FOMM
    But it doesn‘t work ><

    I open my game and find my maintitle without anything……(I sure i have install anything this MOD needs)……

    Thanks for you help!(And thanks for reading my fucking English……)

  2. #2
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    2. What can I do with a picture of your load order...
    3. Get this
    4. 你傻了嗎?

  3. #3
    这下好沟通了- -
    我已经在两台电脑分别下载了MOD,利用其中一台建立了Masterserver以及普通se rver



  4. #4
    lol!You can speak Chinese!

  5. #5
    I am sorry…………
    If that makes some trouble……

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