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Thread: Wrong PAWN or what?

  1. #1

    Wrong PAWN or what?

    Ok, so i went to the compuphase's site and downloaded and installed PAWN. Program on computer is called PAWN IDE (Quincy). I put the included files into the installed folder for PAWN so I could compile the scripts.

    First errors i get refer to these:
    Code :
    public OnActorAlert(actor, Bool:alerted)
    	printf("alert: %d", alerted);
    public OnActorSneak(actor, Bool:sneaking)
    	printf("sneaking: %d", sneaking);
    and the errors are "warning 213: tag mismatch"

    I comment those out and everything compiles correctly.
    I set up my vaultserver.ini like so:
    Code :
    # vaultserver configuration file
    # [url][/url]
    name=Testing server
    game=newvegas			;can be "fallout3", "newvegas", or "oblivion"		;master server address, default is: (can have the format IP:port)
    port=27015			;the port to run the server on, default is: 1770 (UDP for game, TCP for fileserve)
    query=1				;enable direct query, default is: 1
    players=4			;number of player slots, default is: 4
    save=Fallout3/default.fos	;savegame for the players to load (need to be located in the folder "saves")
    fileserve=1			;allow users to download required files (such as mods) from the server, default is: 0
    fileslots=8			;maximum number of parallel fileserve connnections, default is: 8
    ;comma seperated list of PAWN / C++ scripts, will be loaded in the given order
    ;scripts need to be located in the root
    ;comma seperated list of mod files required to play on this server
    ;mods need to be located in the folder "mods", which is the games "Data" folder clientside
    ;mods will be loaded in the given order
    and start the server and get this error:
    Pawn script test1.amx error <17>: "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format"
    Yet it still connects to the MasterServer, but doesn't set anything that's set in the script. (btw, im using standard.pwn that comes with the vaultmp files)

    Here's this:
    Code :
      printf("My first PAWN vaultscript <3\n");
      SetServerName("vaultmp 0.1a server");
      SetServerRule("website", "");
      switch (GetGameCode())
      { //<<<<<<<--------------- thats line 17 in the script
      case FALLOUT3:
        SetServerMap("the wasteland");
      case NEWVEGAS:
        SetServerMap("mojave desert");
      case OBLIVION:
      //CreateTimer("MyTimer", 5000);

    Any know fixes yet?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    Re: Wrong PAWN or what?

    You need to compile with -C64 (64bit cell size) command line switch, e.g.

    pawncc.exe standard.pwn -C64

    I put a "compile.bat" file for this purpose in the vaultmp package, but you should be able to somehow enable -C64 in your IDE too.

    [quote author=frankpetrov link=topic=312.msg2994#msg2994 date=1316722059]and the errors are "warning 213: tag mismatch"[/quote]

    That's due to the Bool type of the arguments. Honestly, I don't have a clue how you can "cast" this away in PAWN. You can safely ignore these warnings (in this case), though

  3. #3

    Re: Wrong PAWN or what?

    [quote author=Recycler link=topic=312.msg2995#msg2995 date=1316722652]
    You need to compile with -C64 (64bit cell size) command line switch, e.g.

    pawncc.exe standard.pwn -C64

    I put a "compile.bat" file for this purpose in the vaultmp package...

    I tried using this .bat but it isn't compiling anything. I put the .pwn in the same folder as it (vaultscript/pawn/standard.pwn) and in the .bat replaced the %1 with standard.pwn and all that happens is the cmd box flashes and doesn't compile it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    Re: Wrong PAWN or what?

    It's working fine for me. A <filename>.amx should appear in that folder. Try running the .bat in a command line (cmd.exe) and post the errors you get

  5. #5

    Re: Wrong PAWN or what?

    Never mind. I got it to compile. I had the original .amx in there so i didn't notice it was compiled. Not throwing that error at me in the server either. Thanks!

    edit: also, is there a wiki page of all the PAWN functions and their usage yet?

  6. #6

    Re: Wrong PAWN or what?

    yes there is, I would request a sticky on the other note but, never mind that. If you need help ask me, I have some knowledge of PAWN , I'll write up some more soon.
    A gaming community ran by one person, with servers made by individuals (in this case, me, myself)
    I plan to look for a trusted person who will help me create a decent roleplay/deathmatch server on Vault-TEC,
    PM me if you're interested

  7. #7

    Re: Wrong PAWN or what?

    [quote author=frankpetrov link=topic=312.msg2994#msg2994 date=1316722059]First errors i get refer to these:
    Code :
    public OnActorAlert(actor, Bool:alerted)
    	printf("alert: %d", alerted);
    public OnActorSneak(actor, Bool:sneaking)
    	printf("sneaking: %d", sneaking);
    and the errors are "warning 213: tag mismatch"
    What, you got an error at the printf�s? Should be impossible

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