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Thread: Game ready callback done properly

  1. #11
    Back then i developed things by myself using my notebook (so i could test) but now, my notebook is gone and my desktop needs format to work with mingw once again i guess (it is really messed up)

    Once i find a way to actually compile code i will start testing what i found. ANd you guys, will be MAH SLAVES testing it ._.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by webmanix View Post
    Back then i developed things by myself using my notebook (so i could test) but now, my notebook is gone and my desktop needs format to work with mingw once again i guess (it is really messed up)

    Once i find a way to actually compile code i will start testing what i found. ANd you guys, will be MAH SLAVES testing it ._.
    Noooo, you're my slave scripter you make VaultMP for MAH! and I only test because I'm a really nice master you know.

  3. #13
    Good news mortalz, i should be able to compile my findings this weekend (sunday prolly) will any1 be available to help me run some tests? I should run the tests around 1pm~7pm (UTC-3 time)

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by webmanix View Post
    Good news mortalz, i should be able to compile my findings this weekend (sunday prolly) will any1 be available to help me run some tests? I should run the tests around 1pm~7pm (UTC-3 time)
    Sure, just note me in IRC and I will be available

  5. #15
    Just amazing then i tried tracking the function that triggers the main menu to become available and i guess i got it this time, if i am right, this is the correct momment to load vaultmp =D

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