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This is an old revision of this page, as edited 04-26-2012, 09:42 PM by foxtacles (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.
Makes a function public. A public function can be called from other scripts.


Code cpp:
VAULTSCRIPT vaultmp::Void (*MakePublic)(vaultmp::Function, std::string, std::string);
native MakePublic(const func{}, const name{}, const def{});


vaultmp::Function (C++ only) - the function
func (PAWN only) - the name of the function
name - the public name of the function (must be unique)
def - the parameter list of the function. This is a string containing a sequence of:
  • i - Integer (4 byte)
  • l - Long integer (8 byte)
  • f - Floating-point (8 byte)
  • p - Pointer (4 byte)
  • s - String (const char*)

[top]Return value


[top]Usage example (C++)

Code cpp:
vaultmp::Result VAULTSCRIPT MyPublic(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, const char* c)
    // Public function
    return (a + b);
vaultmp::Void VAULTSCRIPT exec()
    MakePublic(reinterpret_cast<Function>(&MyPublic), "MagicFunction", "iis");

[top]Usage example (PAWN)

Code c:
forward MyPublic(a, b, const c{});
public MyPublic(a, b, const c{})
    // Public function
    return (a + b);
    MakePublic("MyPublic", "MagicFunction", "iis");

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