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NukaScript Fallout 3

This script uses a timer to check for the player being in a special area. If the player is in that area and is sneaking, he will find a hidden nuka cola.
NukaScript in-gameNukaScript in-game


Code cpp:
#include "vaultscript.h"
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
using namespace vaultmp;
Base nuka = (Base) 0x0001519E;
Value area[] = {-12630.32, -15715.93, -12728.72, -15834.46};
IDSet player_nuka;
Result VAULTSCRIPT NukaArea() noexcept
	IDVector players = GetList(Type::ID_PLAYER);
	for (const ID& id : players)
		if (!player_nuka.count(id) && GetActorSneaking(id))
			Value X, Y, Z;
			GetPos(id, X, Y, Z);
			if (X < area[0] && X > area[2] && Y < area[1] && Y > area[3])
				UIMessage(id, "You found a hidden nuka cola!");
				AddItem(id, nuka, 1, 100.0, False);
	return (Result) 0;
Void VAULTSCRIPT exec() noexcept
	if (GetGameCode() != Index::FALLOUT3)
		printf("NukaScript is for Fallout 3 only!\n");
	CreateTimer(&NukaArea, (Interval) 500);
	printf("NukaScript for Fallout 3 loaded\n");
Void VAULTSCRIPT OnPlayerDisconnect(ID player, Reason reason) noexcept
Void VAULTSCRIPT OnSpawn(ID object) noexcept
Code c:
#include <vaultmp>
#define MAX_PLAYERS	(4)
new PlayerID[MAX_PLAYERS] = [0,...];
new nuka = 0x0001519E,
	Float:area[] = [-12630.32,-15715.93,-12728.72,-15834.46],
	bool:event[MAX_PLAYERS] = [false,...];
	if(GetMaximumPlayers() > MAX_PLAYERS) printf("Error, your MAX_PLAYERS is too low! Required: %d",GetMaximumPlayers());
		case FALLOUT3:
			printf("NukaScript for Fallout 3loaded\n");
		default: printf("NukaScript is for Fallout 3 only!\n");
public OnPlayerDisconnect(ID, reason)
	new conID = GetConnection(ID);
	event[conID] = false;
	PlayerID[conID] = 0;
forward NukaSpot();
public NukaSpot()
	for (new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		new ID = PlayerID[i];
		if(ID == 0 || event[i] || !GetActorSneaking(ID)) continue;
		new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
		if (x < area[0] && x > area[2] && y < area[1] && y > area[3])
			UIMessage(ID,"You found a hidden nuka cola!");
			event[i] = true;
	return 1;