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Thread: No SQL database?

  1. #1

    Lightbulb No SQL database?

    After downloading the files I notice that this doesn't use a sql database to store player information.

    You can't have a fair and fun game with more than just a couple close buddies if important information such as your stats, skills, or even your bottlecaps are stored on the client. One player could very easily use a cheat program to change the value of there skills to maybe 999 so that they one shot every other player in game.

    Is some sort of database system planned on being developed in the future? Is this mod supposed to be for just a small intimate group of friends were you don't have to worry about cheaters?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    I'm sure this will be added in the future.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Mars's Avatar
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    SQLite ( is quite compact, mature, and public domain, it also gives you the option of in memory or on file space for storing the data base information. It is missing some feature of a full SQL implementation however, mySQL licensing seems a bit iffy ( with Oracle running the show and postgress ( is enormous. SQLite also allows you to collect objects into a uniform file (IE the tables blobs etc.) which could be useful for distributing 'server' file sets I suppose. I'll go back to lurking. Mars

  4. #4
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mars View Post
    SQLite ( is quite compact, mature, and public domain, it also gives you the option of in memory or on file space for storing the data base information. It is missing some feature of a full SQL implementation however, mySQL licensing seems a bit iffy ( with Oracle running the show and postgress ( is enormous. SQLite also allows you to collect objects into a uniform file (IE the tables blobs etc.) which could be useful for distributing 'server' file sets I suppose. I'll go back to lurking. Mars
    Hello Mars,

    I don't want to insult you or something i believe you are smart guy and i think you know where you are talking about. But i believe that Recycler knows how SQL works and where to find the right tools. And something else MySQL is made for web base.

    Mars i don't know you, but is this the first time you join a forum? Because you are not doing it right.. MortalMan made a topic for "hes" question nobody ask for this. If you got suggestions in the development send a message directly to Recycler.

    I hope you understand it.
    Last edited by Volumed; 03-10-2012 at 01:18 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Volumed View Post
    Hello Mars,

    I don't want to insult you or something i believe you are smart guy and i think you know where you are talking about. But i believe that Recycler knows how SQL works and where to find the right tools. And something else MySQL is made for web base.

    Mars i don't know you, but is this the first time you join a forum? Because you are not doing it right.. MortalMan made a topic for "hes" question nobody ask for this. If you got suggestions in the development send a message directly to Recycler.

    I hope you understand it.
    Mysql is also used very successfully in many emulated MMO servers. I know of a lineage 2 emu server running sql databases with more than 6,000 concurrent players. It's possible that there are better database systems out there, but sql is certainly capable.

  6. #6
    MySQL is used for many purposes, not only web based. I'm sure it will be implemented to VaultMP, without any doubt, and it's more efficient than SQLLite, which is flat file.
    Last edited by CTCCoco; 03-10-2012 at 10:05 AM.
    Game Developer, Modder & Webmaster.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    Ok Sorry mostly used for web base, But i'm not sure if it's the best choose.
    And look what i said: "I'm sure this will be added in the future."

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Volumed View Post
    Hello Mars,

    I don't want to insult you or something i believe you are smart guy and i think you know where you are talking about. But i believe that Recycler knows how SQL works and where to find the right tools. And something else MySQL is made for web base.

    Mars i don't know you, but is this the first time you join a forum? Because you are not doing it right.. MortalMan made a topic for "hes" question nobody ask for this. If you got suggestions in the development send a message directly to Recycler.

    I hope you understand it.

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