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Thread: Feature requests: client browser, server setup, usability

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question Feature requests: client browser, server setup, usability

    I'd like to get some suggestions to improve the usability of vaultmp. What would you change in the structure, setup, look and feel of the client / server of vaultmp?

    Client: Uses the Windows API, so everything which can be achieved with the WinAPI can be implemented.
    (of course you are very welcome to improve the client yourself if you know WinAPI)

    Server: Currently it's a .ini file which contains configuration options.

  2. #2
    im not sure if i understood, but here is my suggestion:

    it might be hard, might be easy, never done myself so you probably can tell me
    Launcher: maybe in snapshots its too early to do this, but i think it is recommended improvement

    a lil bit explanation:
    Filter is for limiting server "gamemodes, player limits, etc."

    Mods is for activating the required mods, in launcher, when you choose mods, you have ability to save the activated mod list, and load one of them (having few mod activation lists for different servers is handy?)

    "if there is no master server updating, how it gonna work?" not sure how in that situation to make it working, but i was thinking about servers sending very little amount of data to one place(might be this website which has the data), where from a client can get info about servers only when client press Refresh, after connecting to server. if the website which would hold server list is down, player could try to connect through IP:Port right into the server. (oh that little square above Filter and Mods could contain 2 boxes like for IP and Port, and one button "Connect to IP")

    and players nickname, for every server you connect, you need to register in-game by giving password (dunno are those passwords encrypted in servers or not, but i wouldnt recommend to put your favorite passwords there) in custom UI, or login if nickname already exists in server database. in my opinion those are good features...
    Last edited by markuz008; 04-03-2012 at 09:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks! Looking good, I like the idea with the mods list.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Recycler View Post
    Thanks! Looking good, I like the idea with the mods list.
    1. A button to connect to the server IP.
    2. A favorite a server button and a list for it. Or something that favo servers load at the top of the page.
    3. A chat in the client for support, fun chat and a join my server chat but all in one button.

  5. #5
    As simple as San Andreas Multi-player's is.

    Remember the rule:

    K - Keep
    I - It
    S - Simple
    S - Stupid
    A gaming community ran by one person, with servers made by individuals (in this case, me, myself)
    I plan to look for a trusted person who will help me create a decent roleplay/deathmatch server on Vault-TEC,
    PM me if you're interested

  6. #6
    Markuz008's idea is adequate for the design, and should provide ease of use to users.
    Last edited by Aeronix; 04-09-2012 at 01:22 PM.

    I just come here to view whether there has been any progress or not, and review the wonderful progress that Recycler and the development team has made.
    My sincere thanks goes to them and to others who value my contributions the community, not to mention the ones that solely contribute.

  7. #7
    i really like markuz008's idea but there should be a complex filter to configurate which servers will be shown - ping, players, password, port, map, gamemode, servername...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
    i really like markuz008's idea but there should be a complex filter to configurate which servers will be shown - ping, players, password, port, map, gamemode, servername...
    None are really needed other then password, ping, and no player filter.

    I just come here to view whether there has been any progress or not, and review the wonderful progress that Recycler and the development team has made.
    My sincere thanks goes to them and to others who value my contributions the community, not to mention the ones that solely contribute.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    well, i kinda forgot to mention that when you would press Filter or Mods, there would open another window for that VaultMP client, where would be other features like choosing "Ping Not More Than: (here you type number, max. 3 digits)", so highest ping is 999 showed, and stuff like that. about gamemode, hmm, ive never found it useful, unless server has .cfg or .ini file where they put tags like "rp; role; play; roleplay; freeroam;" etc. servername though could be useful, but... thats where Favorites is good at! saving those servers to your client... (could be done so you can go VaultMP's client folder and look for FavServ.txt or whatever file and see all favorite'd server names and their IP:Port too)

    about ports, i forgot to add in previous post, but thats undoubtetly needed! and good thing that you said about Password, NeoPhoenix! i only mentioned server ingame registration, but that would mean that folks could freely join and register and play... so we kinda need ingame password for every personal server account, and server's own password for connecting. damn, its like i put a hole in my suggestion paper

    P.S. yeah, my ideas were inspired by the great SA-MP developers.

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