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Thread: VaultMP Bandwidth Usage?

  1. #1

    VaultMP Bandwidth Usage?

    For the current snapshot, what whould be the used bandwidth (in mbps) for 1 person?
    And what would be the bandwidth used for a master server for Receiving announces from one server? (also in mpbs)

    I would like to host a 24/7 Master server and a gameplay server, but I wouldn't do it unless I know the average bandwidth usage. Since I am already hosting a other server and have only a little bandwidth to spare.

    If you guys can tell, what would be the bandwidth usage of the future Gary 2 snapshot?

    -Thanks in advance,
    -HTT Sucks, Real Men uses Real Cores!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    VaultMP is a alpha, we don't know how many players can be hold by one server. VaultMP is still to unstable for big 24/7 servers. Ofcourse you can host one but I do not recommend it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Volumed View Post
    VaultMP is a alpha, we don't know how many players can be hold by one server. VaultMP is still to unstable for big 24/7 servers. Ofcourse you can host one but I do not recommend it.
    Yes, I know that there may be some limitations in the server/client system, but I would like to know the RAW average bandwidth usage both for the game server and the Master-server.

    -Thanks again,
    -HTT Sucks, Real Men uses Real Cores!

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