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Thread: king of the hill

  1. #11

    Re: king of the hill

    *stabs enclaves occupieing the hill* I wasent really on your side 8) *cloaks away*

  2. #12

    Re: king of the hill

    *Helikills people on the hill with his vertibird.* :P
    Right, don't worry. This place is ours. 8)

  3. #13

    Re: king of the hill

    *pulls out "commendered" Control PDA and presses vertibird self destruct* I think not... I gotta stop refrencing TF2... but so tempting xD

  4. #14
    Senior Member Dantiko's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    São Carlos, Brazil

    Re: king of the hill

    [me=Dantiko]Mounts on Liberty Prime control chair and begin breaking Enclave energy shield.[/me]
    "Only a few don't give up on games, and only a few give up on life"

  5. #15

    Re: king of the hill

    Demoman: KABOOOOM!!!!! *Liberty Prime blowed up by demoman*

  6. #16
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    Re: king of the hill

    This is no enclave vs bos or tf2 the game is to take the hill only for yourself so no working together and that shit.

    sets up a sign at the bottom of the hill that reads "FREE MUFFINS"

    Crawdy RUNS down the hill, drooling all the way, leaving the gate open on the "12 foot razor wired, electrified fence"

    Crawdy enters and locks.

    "MY HILL"

    Always say My hill at the end.

  7. #17

    Re: king of the hill

    Hell naw! *Presses Nuke missile button and world falls apart*

  8. #18
    Senior Member Dantiko's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    São Carlos, Brazil

    Re: king of the hill

    [me=Dantiko]picks up time machine and go back to activate the nuke auto-destruction sequence on the air, after the nuke blows up, he pushes Volumed down the hill(because he was watching at the beautiful nuke explosion) and takes over the hill.[/me]

    MY HILL!!! 8)
    "Only a few don't give up on games, and only a few give up on life"

  9. #19

    Re: king of the hill

    *takes a aimed shot at Dantiko with a rocket launcher from a ruined buildings roof.*

    Arathhunter Critically misses, weapon exploded causing 67 damage, and has been knocked down.


    Announcer: Hill Moved.

    *hill moves onto where Arath is*

    Arath: ...

    Everything went better then expected.

    My Hill!!!

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