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Thread: Posible sources for code example, of how to better sync players and other features

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Posible sources for code example, of how to better sync players and other features

    I drudged the internet came upon some interesting data

    Oblivion Multiplayer mods (except the development teams are all dead) but still good example code to use right? *shrug
    (died in 2008, but from watching the videos they seemed to have fixed some of the bugs Recycler has been having with sync and the download still works+)
    (died in 2006, unfortunately I was unable to get any of the downloads to work with this one, but with a little research i found this to be another group who had proceeded in to the beta phase with all the features Recycler is still trying to add) might helpful if someone could find the downloads especially source code :3
    (cant exactly tell, but seems to have died around 2010 and I cant seem to find any video showing its progress, but still good source for coding examples)

    I hope this is helpful, Recycler and all the development team :3

  2. #2
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    "I did take a quick look at the OblivionOnline google code and it seems quite advanced already. It appears to function very different than vaultmp, though. Best luck to you mate"

  3. #3
    ummm... Volumed im not a dev nor have any relation to obliviononline I'm just a simple Beta Tester never been good at making games just finding ways to break them
    but i digress

    I did more digging and did find MultiTES4: Multiplayer Oblivion's download though i don't believe it has the source code

    download at your own risk

    though i doubt it has any malicious material as game front is hosting it

    ooo... and before i forget here is a video of it being used on LAN
    ____━━ ____━━____┓━╭━━━━━╮
    ____━━____━━____┗┓|:"';,':.: ; : ^━━^
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    Nyan Cat :3

  4. #4
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1freak2 View Post
    ummm... Volumed im not a dev nor have any relation to obliviononline I'm just a simple Beta Tester never been good at making games just finding ways to break them
    but i digress

    I did more digging and did find MultiTES4: Multiplayer Oblivion's download though i don't believe it has the source code

    download at your own risk

    though i doubt it has any malicious material as game front is hosting it

    ooo... and before i forget here is a video of it being used on LAN
    "I did take a quick look at the OblivionOnline google code and it seems quite advanced already. It appears to function very different than vaultmp, though. Best luck to you mate"

    Is what Recycler said in this topic:
    to give you the information that this is know. Sorry for the misunderstading that i did not say that it was the word from Recy.

    That video is from a older version the latest version was from 2007/2008 with a chat function, and that was the only new thing in a year. <.< Yes i followed oblivion online pretty long, and it was a very disappointing.

    Vaultmp got animation, ok buggy animation but it's more then oblivion online did in 4 years. :'-)
    And the vaultmp devolvers are close with there chat function so keep following i say.
    Last edited by Volumed; 12-08-2011 at 07:01 PM.

  5. #5

    You may be thinking I'm weird, but to be honest. This multiplayer mod has the best syncing i've ever seen.
    A gaming community ran by one person, with servers made by individuals (in this case, me, myself)
    I plan to look for a trusted person who will help me create a decent roleplay/deathmatch server on Vault-TEC,
    PM me if you're interested

  6. #6
    Senior Member Dantiko's Avatar
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    Multi Theft Auto San Andreas, well, the best sync of course, the problem is that it will be hard to compare games with high end graphics like Fallout 3 with GTA San Andreas, but they really did a great job with the sync.
    "Only a few don't give up on games, and only a few give up on life"

  7. #7
    Obay the smiling kitty!

    find the world best network programer and force him to show us his magic source code :3

    off topic Recycler why arn't there any cat smiles :3
    ____━━ ____━━____┓━╭━━━━━╮
    ____━━____━━____┗┓|:"';,':.: ; : ^━━^
    ____━━____━━____━┗| : :;'. : .: |。◕‿‿◕。|
    Nyan Cat :3

  8. #8
    Senior Member Volumed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1freak2 View Post
    Obay the smiling kitty!

    find the world best network programer and force him to show us his magic source code :3

    off topic Recycler why arn't there any cat smiles :3
    Then i want smiles of dogs! Ͼ̲͠Ͽ

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